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Safer outcomes for officers and citizens with BolaWrap

Deploy BolaWrap
Save a life

Immersive VR training with Wrap Reality

Empower your officers to confidently
navigate high-stress situations

BWC | WrapAI | Wrap Intrensic

Experience the future of law enforcement
technology with WrapAI

In the News

Officers talking to civilians Police officer approaching vehicle Security guard talking to customer

Global provider of advanced public safety solutions

Wrap Technologies is a global leader in innovative public safety technologies and solutions.

At Wrap, our focus is on saving lives. We do this by leading the industry and empowering public safety with innovative training and tools to take individuals safely into custody without having to use force.



Wrap is dedicated to developing groundbreaking solutions that empower public safety agencies to safeguard the communities they serve in a manner that fosters stronger relationships. Driving safer outcomes, empowering public safety and communities to move forward together.


Wrap Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: WRAP) is a leading global provider of advanced public safety solutions, integrating ultramodern technology, cutting-edge tools, and comprehensive services to address the complex, modern day challenges facing public safety organizations around the world.


At Wrap Technologies, we believe that only in a world where individuals have unwavering trust and confidence in public safety agencies to safeguard their personal safety and well-being can there be a sense of security and peace within communities.


WRAP strives to drive safer outcomes, empowering communities and law enforcement to move forward together.
Police car and police officer Police officer showing another officer his phone Police officers in yellow vests


We are leading the industry and empowering public safety with innovative training and tools to take individuals safely into custody.

Wrap Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: WRAP) is a leading global provider of advanced public safety solutions, integrating state-of-the-art technology, cutting-edge tools, and comprehensive services to address the complex, modern day challenges facing public safety organizations around the world. Guided by a no-harm principle, Wrap is dedicated to developing groundbreaking solutions that empower public safety agencies to safeguard the communities they serve in a manner that fosters stronger relationships and delivers positive public safety outcomes.
BolaWrap remote restraint device


Explore Bolawrap
Wrap Reality VR headset for police


Explore WRAP Reality
Body worn camera and digital evidence management


Explore Wrap Intrensic

Safer outcomes for officers and citizens

The BolaWrap solution embodies the unwavering commitment to Wrap’s no-harm guiding principle, providing a crucial tool that empowers law enforcement professionals to maintain safety and security while minimizing the risk of injury to all parties involved.

Make it real | Make it reality

Wrap Reality is a fully immersive training simulator and comprehensive public safety training platform equips first responders with the discipline and practice to prevent escalation, de-escalate conflicts, and apply appropriate tactical use-of-force measures to better perform in the field.

Always on | Always secure

Discover our comprehensive, secure and efficient body worn cameras and evidence collection and management solution designed with cutting-edge technology to quickly capture, safely handle, securely store, and seamlessly track evidence.


The variety of scenarios and the ability to act out de-escalation tactics enables the officers to practice ending situations without using deadly force. This fits right into our training regimen.

Chief David Lash

Chief David Lash

Northern York County Regional Police Department

My department utilized the Wrap Reality VR training system for several days prior to purchasing and was amazed how it places officers in real-life situations in a virtual environment.

Chief Frederick Dyroff

Chief Frederick Dyroff

Mahoning Township Police Department

Making sure officers know their implicit biases will help achieve this goal. Wrap Reality’s virtual reality training platform is a game changer for police departments.

Chief Henry A King

Chief Henry A. King Jr.

Edenton Police Department

No other simulator does as good a job at immersing the recruit in the scenario.

Chief Scott Knight

Chief Scott Knight

Chaska Police Department

Trying to reduce officer-involved shootings and being able to have these options from different levels of force so having BolaWrap at a level 1 use of force and that just gives officers options in how they’re able to address a situation so they’re not hurting somebody.

Chief Adrian Diaz

Chief Adrian Diaz

Seattle Police Department (WA)

The inclusion of HD video, unlimited storage, and a comprehensive redaction service proved to be significant factors that attracted us to Intrensic's offerings. Furthermore, their evidence management system has streamlined the process for our officers, supervisors, and prosecutors, ensuring effortless access to view video recordings.

Chief Lynn Hahn

Chief Lynn Hahn

Pea Ridge Police Department

I like the fact that we are not using force against citizens if we don’t have to.

Deputy David Hoffman

Master Deputy David Hoffman

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

It's going to reduce litigation, it's going to reduce injuries to suspects and officers, so we are real excited about it.

Sheriff Gary Parsons

Sheriff Gary Parsons

Lee County Sheriff’s Office (VA)

Even if we have one case where we’ve prevented lethal force from having to be used, BolaWrap is worth the investment.

Sheriff Jim Hart

Sheriff Jim Hart

Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office

Our deputies have been effectively using BolaWrap to subdue aggressive individuals, resulting in fewer injuries to both officers and suspects. It enhances our ability to safely resolve potentially dangerous situations.

Sheriff Kevin Rambosk

Sheriff Kevin Rambosk

Collier County Sheriff's Office (FL)

Intrensic’s advanced search and retrieval functions have saved us countless hours, allowing us to quickly locate specific incidents and retrieve crucial evidence.

Sheriff Raymundo Del Bosque, Jr.

Sheriff Raymundo Del Bosque, Jr.

Zapata County Sheriff’s Office

Wrap Intrensic is an integral part of the Huron County Sheriff’s Office, from evidence collection to crime scene documentation.

Sheriff Todd Corbin

Sheriff Todd Corbin

Huron County Sheriff’s Office

BolaWrap is a tool that allows you to keep your citizens safe. BolaWrap doesn’t cause any harm and it’s a less-lethal tool that law enforcement should’ve had 20 years ago.

Chief Henry King, President NCACP and Chief of Edenton PD

Chief Henry King

President NCACP, and Edenton Police Department

Now we have BolaWrap to use to de-escalate things very rapidly.

Chief Joseph Deras

Chief Joseph Deras

Glenwood Springs Police Department (CO)

As we try to explore new and innovative ways to do our jobs more effectively and more humanely, BolaWrap became a very attractive device for us.

Sheriff John Grismore

Sheriff John Grismore

Franklin County Sheriff's Office (VT)


BolaWrap is being used around the nation and worldwide, giving public safety officers the ability to prevent escalation with a non-lethal solution.

Domestic and International Agencies

Agencies around the world using Wrap Technologies' solutions

BolaWrap 100
BolaWrap 150


Stay up to date on the latest developments and news stories on Wrap solutions.

San Francisco Police Department to Deploy BolaWrap as a Means for De-escalation

Scot Cohen appointed CEO of Wrap Technologies

Wrap Technologies, Inc. Issues Letter to Shareholders

Via Volontari del Sangue command in Italy Gets Funding to Acquire BolaWrap

Via Volontari del Sangue command in Italy Gets Funding to Acquire BolaWrap

BolaWrap is the New Restraint Solution for Buda, Texas Police

BolaWrap is the New Restraint Solution for Buda, Texas Police

Greater Chennai Police in India start using BolaWrap to ensnare fleeing suspects.

Greater Chennai Police can now snare fleeing suspects with BolaWrap - India

It sounds like a gun, but it isn’t a gun. Here’s how the latest in police tech, BolaWrap, is used to detain suspects - Credit KENS

It sounds like a gun, but it isn’t a gun. Here’s how the latest in police tech, BolaWrap, is used to detain suspects

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Wrap Technologies is on a mission to bridge the gap between law enforcement and communities, ultimately striving for safer outcomes for all. With a commitment to innovation, Wrap Technologies develops cutting-edge tools and technologies that enable law enforcement officers to engage with individuals in crisis or non-compliant situations more safely and effectively. By focusing on de-escalation and non-lethal solutions, they aim to foster a sense of trust and collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. Through their dedication to enhancing public safety and minimizing harm, Wrap Technologies seeks to create a world where law enforcement and communities can work together harmoniously, ensuring a safer and more secure future for everyone.


Contact us

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Main office

1817 West 4th Street
Tempe, AZ 85281

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