Law enforcement training scenarios

Report of Active Shooter in campus building.

Report of a student, who is an emotionally-disturbed person (EDP) causing a disturbance in the Library of a University.

The Incident Command Training System is designed to train law enforcement personnel on incident command in an active shooter event. This cutting-edge training solution aims to enhance the preparedness, decision-making, and response capabilities of law enforcement officers during critical situations.

Respond to report of Active Shooters on upper floor of school building.

Assigned to respond to a report of Active Shooter at an office building. Unknown number of suspects or weapons. One responding unit is already inside.

Report of residential burglar alarm. Subject runs from the rear of the residence with a firearm. Subject attempts escape with dangerous weapon.

Report of a woman’s screams being heard in a Parking Ramp.

While on patrol, officer observes a distraught female sitting on a bridge railing.

Observe disabled vehicle parked on the street. Subject working under hood. Investigation will reveal vehicle reported stolen.

Assigned a BOLO for a subject who fled from transport while on mental health hold at a nearby hospital. Observe person matching description and make contact. Second officer is present to assist.

While on patrol, officer observes a distraught female who is preparing to jump off the roof of a building in Las Vegas.
In this highly sensitive and potentially life-threatening situation, the primary goal of law enforcement and other first responders is to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual in distress.

Report of child missing from vehicle in parking lot of pharmacy.

Dispatched to report of disoriented man in local restaurant.

This scenario immerses trainees in a quick decision-making scenario where a student discovers their unresponsive roommate lying on the floor. Arriving on scene, the officer must work with an athletic trainer to provide immediate medical support, trainees must make critical decisions, manage resources, and effectively communicate to determine the cause of the unresponsiveness and provide necessary assistance. This module hones decision-making skills, resource management, and teamwork, offering a dynamic and interactive learning experience with various outcomes to prepare trainees for real-life emergencies.

Assigned to attend Court. While waiting for the elevator, User observes the Subject trigger alarm passing through security screening. Subject demonstrates indicators of possessing an explosive device.

Assigned to contact manager at a local business to investigate a report of an employee theft.

Respond to transportation hub to meet off-duty officer.

Person matching description of suspect in criminal investigation is observed at local park. When confronted, suspect threatens suicide.

The Wrap Reality Homeless Camp Investigation Module is a virtual reality experience that immerses participants into the realities faced by the homeless community in various cities. By offering a firsthand look at life on the streets and in temporary settlements, this VR project aims to foster empathy, understanding, and support for homeless populations. It also reinforces the need for an officer to look at all possibilities during an investigation without allowing unconscious biases to hinder their judgment.

Assigned to respond to a report of domestic argument between husband and wife inside of a residence. Second officer is present to assist.

Assigned to respond to a report of domestic fight between husband and wife in trailer park. Unknown weapons.

Assigned to serve Arrest Warrant for subject at last known residence.

Report of disturbance near basketball court at local park. Observe male subject holding second subject at gunpoint.

Assigned to back-up ranking officer at scene of neighborhood disturbance. On arrival, observe arresting officer shoving suspect to the ground and acting aggressively. Scene is a public sidewalk in full view of bystanders.

Respond to report of property dispute amongst neighbors. Involved subject is raking in his yard when contacted.

User is in an off-duty status with a co-worker at a local bar. Subject initiates a verbal confrontation with User.

User is in an off-duty status on a city street. Subject initiates a verbal confrontation on the sidewalk.

Assigned to respond to an alarm at a bank. Subject exits bank with hostage.

Observe suspicious activity in a known high-crime area. One subject flees while a second subject is seated in a vehicle.

Standing inside a local store. Observe person place merchandise in bag and attempt to leave store without paying.

Traffic Stop of suspected intoxicated driver (DUI/DWI). Ability to administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) to subject.

Initiated traffic stop on vehicle for moving violation. Advised by the driver of the presence of a handgun in the vehicle. Drug paraphernalia visible in vehicle.

Assigned to investigate report of vehicle traveling at an unsafe speed.

Assigned to respond to office building for report of terminated employee causing a disturbance.

Respond to local bar for report of intoxicated patron refusing to leave.

Respond to complaint of vagrant sleeping in Laundry Room of apartment building.

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